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WikiAdmin***2022-05-11 15:54:46

10 Important Tips for Men
Honeymoon Do’s
Landing A Good Man: Be A “Banquet Girl”!
How To Avoid Low-Quality Men!
10 Benefits of Being Female
Top 6 Common Dating Mistakes Women Make
Submission must be earned
The Cosmic Law of Attraction

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Jay Hammers January 29, 2011 at 10:16
I posted this at the main Reddit. Let’s see if it gets any attention.


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Keyster January 29, 2011 at 10:31
The cops can arrest you for “disorderly conduct” and detain you for up to 24 hours. B & N is a private business and has the right to refuse service to anyone it pleases; this would include asking you to leave the premises or be arrested for trespassing, which the cops will also do.

Now, if you had a contact at the local newspaper or better yet TV station, the “scene” you’d create would get some traction and maybe worth the hassle and expense. Be aware though that: a) B & N might advertise with them and b) Whoever controls what get’s printed or broadcast will NOT be sympathetic to a man protesting not being able to sit in the children’s section of a book store. You’ll be branded a “kook” and the cops will have you on record as such.

Think the cuntsequences through.

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Gendeau January 29, 2011 at 10:31